'twas a long weekend.

I love celebrating Labour Day by not working, don't you?

Highlights from the long weekend weekend:

-Our first try at doing a "Cuisine collective." Excellent idea - socializing whilst making an abundance of meals, salads, desserts that can be saved for the coming week! Ideas here.

-Lovely nights with friends savouring our said cuisine collective meals.

-Getting in a meal-delivery volunteer shift at Santropol Roulant.

-Enjoying our choice of morning beverages in our new mugs (thanks Marli & Melissa!).

French toast à la Vieux Vélo
-Walking along the shore line at Parc-nature de l'Ile-de-la-Visitation.

-Taking in the beauty of art & nature at Mosaïcultures with the parents.

Thanks for reading, xo.


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